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Furuncle is another word for a boil. Boils are bacterial or fungal infections of hair follicles. The infected hair follicle can be on any part of your body, not only your scalp. When the hair follicle becomes infected, the skin around it becomes inflamed. The furuncle looks like a red, raised bump on your skin and will rupture and weep fluid.
Furuncles are most commonly found on the face and neck. You might also develop a boil on your thigh or buttocks.
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Sometimes skin problems may worsen quickly after using your skin care product because of irritation or a reaction. Try not to use this product while you are using natural cleansing products as the reaction may not heal.
If you’ve never used an anion, don’t try this at home. The anion is very weak (sodium hydroxide), and may cause an allergic reaction—that does not show up if all the ingredients in your product are correctly mixed (as in the picture above). These are common types of allergic reactions that can not cure, but can sometimes cause problems when applied to other skin care products.
Keep the aion away from your skin. If you take a lot of alcohol or drugs, it may make you ill. Your dermatologist will be able to tell which drugs are safe, and if you’re using any of them, to treat the trouble.
You may never see changes in your skin that might help reduce your chances of getting an allergic reaction. Some of the other symptoms listed above may happen in the following years. Be sure to talk with your doctor to see if the signs and symptoms are related to an anion, a skin condition like eczema, cystic fibrosis, or a skin disorder.
If you suspect an allergic reaction, ask your doctor if there is any medication that has the potential to cause an immune reaction. In these cases, your dermatologist will be able to see if there’s any evidence to suggest that using an anion is a good thing. You may want to see your doctor first.
If an anion is used under normal circumstances, you should not try to fight it. If the reaction doesn’t resolve, continue using the product
An anion can interfere with skin’s healing function or skin care functions. Your skin may respond poorly to any anion or other skin product that may have some effect on the healing processes of the skin. Your skin healing function might then be damaged. However, no skin damage is caused by an anion. You may be able to use the product properly if you know how, how quickly, or who has access to an anion.
Most of the time, it’s best to get a regular checkup of your skin every three months before using any of your products. Your dermatologist may ask if you’d like to check your skin before starting any new skin care product. The doctor may find that there’s an increasing risk that some of the skin-related conditions are developing to make your skin more sensitive to an anion.
Keep a journal for all of your medical information.
Your doctor could order a test for a skin type or a condition that’s been evaluated to determine if you have an allergic reaction. (An anion test involves checking for an allergic response, and the skin test can be done right away when you buy the product.) If you have problems getting an anion, ask your doctor before making any decisions with your health care provider. You may also be advised to seek treatment with an anion.