For Specialists

~30 seconds Fast-Check

Integrate Skiniveinto your workflow

Skinive AI-tracker is a powerful tool for medical professionals.
It is here to improve the diagnosis precision and to speed up medical practice.

Make a photo of your mole

01. AI-powered Camera

AI-camera helps to take high-quality photos, allowing MD’s and Skinive AI to evaluate skin problems.

02. Get Second Opinion

Skinive provides AI second opinion, which is a capable tool to increase the diagnosis precision.

Regular skincare routine

03. Manage your patients

New value to your Patients. Keep skin-exams in one place to facilitate routine & remote patients monitoring.

AI-Driven Assistance

for skincare professionals

Skinive helps to manage Patient’s skin-exams and provide differential diagnosis AI-opinion.


Skinive free healthcare chat-bot

Start Skinive Chat-bot in your messenger & follow instructions

App’s for Personal Use

Skinive.MD app
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    Skinive.Cloud for Developers

    Skinive.Cloud on Microsoft Azure Marketplace
    Skinive API Documentation
    Your Feedback:

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Skinive is an AI assistant for skin monitoring, based on artificial intelligence technology, computer vision and medical experience.

      Skinive.MD is a mobile application for the professional practice of skin care and treatment specialists: cosmetologists, nurses, therapists, allergists, dermatologists.Skinive.MD provides more detailed results with information for medical specialists, as opposed to the application for home use.

      Beauty/Cosmetic and -Spa salons, clinics, medical centers, diagnostic laboratories – and even more broadly, where Skinive opens up new possibilities for patient care. Write to us and we will tell you more.

      Patient Profiles

      Convenient management and quick photo examinations increase the quality of patient care

      3D skin map

      accelerates the documentation of examinations of skin conditions improves the accuracy of monitoring neoplasms

      Second opinion from AI:

      The Skinive algorithm analyzes photos of neoplasms and skin conditions for signs of diseases in its own database of trained nosologies and helps in making medical decisions using the differential diagnosis method.

      Derm Atlas

      contains relevant medical articles on detected nosologies, with basic information, methods of diagnosis and treatment, and is accompanied by photo examples.

      Skinive is not a diagnostic device and does not replace a visit to your doctor. Skinive  helps you to become more aware of your skin so you can visit a doctor in time, and prepared.  

      If at any time you feel uncomfortable or you see that your skin spot is changing, irritating or bleeding, we recommend that you visit a medical specialist without hesitation.

      Featured on:

      Data Privacy

      All your data is in a safe place. We are not proceecing personal data.

      Stay anonymous

      No selfie, Stay Anonymous!

      We don’t identify You. Make a photo with small area of the skin (about 5×5 cm.). Take away from the photo rings, chains, tattoos and other objects by which you can be identified.

      Data Security

      Anonymize data

      Your registration data is encrypted and stored in a hash using the service Very Good Security  and supports data security certification PCI-DSS, SOC2, HIPAA and GDPR.

      Don’t transfer to 3D-parties

      We don’t share your personal information without your consent. You independently determine the amount of personal information disclosed.